Wednesday, July 31, 2019

History Comparison Betwen Mexican and African Americans Essay

The history of Mexican Americans is comparable to that of African Americans: filled with stories of conquest, racism, and discriminatory acts posed by society. The past has triggered Chicanos to fight back against injustices, in hopes of reforming immoral treatment, and emerging as an equal part of America’s society. The Chicano movement yielded some successes in this aspect. However, mass media and stereotypes confirm the notion that Mexican Americans are still viewed as a â€Å"lesser† people. This stems from the long-established concept of racial stratification. In this case, it indicates that Anglo-Americans have hierarchy over Mexican Americans. Consequently, discrimination towards Chicanos is still prevalent, despite ongoing efforts by activists for change. This nation was socially molded based on the idea that there is a hierarchy of races, and as long as that idea exists, Mexican Americans will continue to suffer inequality. In â€Å"Sexual Violence in the Politics of Conquest’, Castaneda explores the sexual crimes against Amerindian women during the Spanish conquest of Alta California. The soldiers accompanying the missionaries on the settlement raped and violated the native women openly. There were many incidents before rules were set to govern the matter, but even after the rapes continued to occur. One court case recorded in 1773 indicates that there was no intention to grant justice to the victims. The natives took matters into their own hands and formed forces to seek their own justice (similar to Chicano activist groups that seek reform for discrimination), but to no avail. Castaneda goes on to explain that the actions of the soldiers were not farfetched from practices of Western civilization (27-28). Because these dark crimes were normal for the dominant culture, they were automatically imposed on the natives, who were supposed to accept this without resistance. This is similar to Mexican Americans during the Chicano movement, who were not given equal opportunities for education and employment because they were not in the central group. In both situations, the majority emasculates the men and oppresses the women of the minority. The idea of hierarchy is apparent in this passage; Catholic missionaries try to strip the natives of their culture and convert them to value Western practices because they consider themselves the ‘prominent’ people. The history of the Chicano Movement can date back to the Manifest Destiny. In the 1840s, the United States planned to expand its territory and take Mexico, which had become independent from Spain. In reporting these events, Leo Cervantes notes the attitude of superiority that the Americans displayed in their imperialist plan. He notes one adherent’s thoughts, who asked â€Å"why resign this beautiful country to the custody of the ignorant cowards who have ruled for the last 25 years? † (13). Cervantes also quotes Thomas Jefferson, who has similar views of the matter, and promoted â€Å"policies of non-miscegenation† during the expansion (14). Even before Anglo-Americans were acquainted with Mexicans, they held predisposed opinions of contempt for them. As I suggested, Arturo Rosales agrees, â€Å"An underlying cause for the hostility Anglo-Americans felt for Mexicans was a preexisting ideology of racism† (5). These preconceived notions of Mexican Americans were the beginning of negative stereotypes attached to them. Today Chicanos are often represented in the media as uneducated thugs, loose women, or undocumented workers. Even whites who claim they are not racist may practice aversive racism by absorbing the images portrayed in media. It is this ideology of racism has contributed to discrimination over the years and inversely, the building of the Chicano Movement. The movement flourished in the 1950s and 1960s, feeding off other civil rights movements, particularly the African American movement. Both African American civil rights activists and Chicano activist protested the unlawful repression of minorities in America. They protested the terrible education system, police brutality, and denial of economic opportunities. Arturo Rosales compares Chicano activist, Cesar Chavez to Martin Luther King. It is expected that on this path to address the plight and repression of their people, Chicanos were met with resistance from White Americans. Rosales notes that police officers and other uniformed officials â€Å"were employed to suppress manifestations of discontent and did so using violence† (xv). It can be suggested that Anglo-Americans considered Chicanos a threat to the racial hierarchy, so they took action. Cervantes supports this theory, quoting Brooks Adams who said, â€Å"When a highly centralized society disintegrates, under the pressure of economics condition, it is because the energy of the race has been exhausted (18). This point illustrates the pressure Anglo-Americans felt to keep superiority over Mexicans. The American achievement ideology suggests four points: Anyone can make it. American society is fair and open. Success is based on merit. Moreover, inequality is the result of differences in ability and ambition. This ideology contradicts the apparent effects of a racial hierarchy. Stratification of races has formed structural discrimination among minorities, specifically, Mexican and African Americans. The poor education, poor neighborhoods, and badly equipped jobs that these minorities are subjected to prevent them from achieving upward mobility. However, white America still neglects to acknowledge these factors. Historian, Oscar Lewis, believed that people living in poverty are to blame for their own situation, yet minorities’ history in America consists of repression and treatment as inferior beings. There is no questioning it; racial classes have been socially constructed and this has directly affected minorities. The Chicano Movement has led to some advances for Mexican American such as the growing numbers of Latinos attending school, and raise concerns about unequal treatment to Chicanos. However, because underlying values of America are products of a deep-rooted, corrupt social structure, issue of prejudice will continue to exist.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Sedimentary Rocks

Plate tectonics are responsible for many of Earth’s natural occurrences. From volcanoes to earthquakes plate tectonics play are large role. Another natural occurrence that is not is discussed as much as volcanoes and earthquakes is the formation of sedimentary rock. Plate tectonics also plays a major role in the formation of this type of rock. Plate tectonics is a term that is used to describe how the different plates that make up the Earth move and the reactions that occur as they are moving. Before explaining how plate tectonics are related the concept of sediments must be understood. Sediments are pieces of solid material are deposited on Earth’s surface by way of wind, water, ice, gravity or chemical precipitation. This occurs through weather and erosion (McClearly, 2005). As convergent plates move towards each other, one plate is subducted under the other plate and as this is occurring the plates are moving accumulated sediment and rocks with them. Divergent boundaries also have an effect on sedimentary rock. In divergent movement the plates are moving away from each other and the young sedimentary rock is pushed to the open boundary (Ryan, 2008). Sedimentary rock actually originates from the disposition of the sediments after they are moved by the movement of plates. The climate controls how sediments are moved and how the rock weather. After weathering and erosion has occurred the sediments stop moving and settle. Where they settle is known as their disposition. The origination of sedimentary work is a combination of natural processes that result in the disposition of sediment. The way the sediment is actually formed is a process known as Lithification. Lithification is physical and chemical processes which loose sediment is transformed into sedimentary rock. Lithification begins with compaction. The weight of sediments on top of other sediments forces the sediment grains closer together, which results in physical changes. The next process that occurs is through a chemical process known as cementation. Cementation occurs when mineral growth, in combination with high temperatures, cement sediment grains together into solid rock (McClearly, 2008). After sedimentary rock is formed then it is organized on the Earth’s surface. The pattern of organization is known as bedding. Bedding is the layered arrangement of strata in a group of sediment or sedimentary rock. Over time strata’s that are adjacent to each other may look different because the mineral composition of the sediments in a specific location may changes or the way the sediments are transported or deposited may be different. The bedding surface, which is the boundary between adjacent strata, is the indication that rock was once sediment. Once sediments have been formed they are classified into three different categories. The first is clastic sedimentary rock. These rocks are formed from the sediment and debris from weathering and erosion. There are four different types of clastic, conglomerate (gravel), sandstone (sand),siltstone (silt), and mudstone (mud) or shale. These four categories are characterized by the size of their particles. The next category of sedimentary rock is chemical sedimentary rock. These rocks are formed by precipitation of minerals dissolved in lakes, rivers or sea water. This precipitation can occur is two ways. The first is plants and animals living in water can alter the chemical balance of the water which has an effect on the sediments. The second way is the evaporation of fresh water because of warm dry climates, which leads to increased salinity, the salts become solid because they are not dissolving. The last category of sedimentary rock is biogenic sedimentary rock. These rocks are formed from sediments that are primarily composed of plant and animal remains. This can include the hard shells of animals as well as the bones and teeth. From plants this can include fragments of plant matter such as roots, wood and leaves (Murck, Skinner, Mackenzie, 2008). Since there are three categories of sedimentary rock differentiating in the three is important. One way to tell the difference in the rock is the physical characteristics or physical location. Clastic rock is in the form of gravel, sand, slit or mud, which are all easily recognizable. Chemical sedimentary rock will be located in areas with water such as seas and lakes, since the chemical process which creates these rocks are done inside of water. Biogenic sedimentary rock is easily recognizable because these rocks will have pieces of animal or plant matter in them. Fossils can be carved out of these types of sedimentary rock (McClearly, 2005). Sedimentary rock is one type of rock that is located all over the world. From mountains to oceans sedimentary rocks can be found. With the combination of plate tectonics, weather and erosion sedimentary rocks are formed. Clastic, chemical and biogenic rocks are all very different but together they make up the category of sedimentary rocks.

Monday, July 29, 2019

International marketing-country of origin, foreign and domestic Essay

International marketing-country of origin, foreign and domestic consumer predispositions - Essay Example The study will highlight varied internationalization, country of origin and consumer disposition effect related to the marketing plan of Grazia, a leading Italian fashion brand. Finally, the study would also highlight the impact of country of origin and brand positioning effect of apparels produced by leading Italian fashion companies. Country of Origin Effect The country of origin effect would constitute of differences between internationalization and international control strategies that can be due to varied national origins rather than the variations in the marketing environment (Harzing and Noorderhaven, 2000).The differences in the market dynamics and the cultural differences is a contributing factor for the increase in the country of origin effects. The national culture and the upbringing of the customers play an important role in determining the purchasing behaviour (Costa, Krutulyte and Grunert, 2006). In this context, the management of Grazia would try to assess the fashion requirements of the European common people and manufacture stylish and comfortable dresses as per customer preferences. Firstly, it has been noticed that the European people prefer Italian brands over the international brands (Greta and Lewandowski, 2013). The position of Grazia is quite strong in the European apparel industry and hence, the management will utilize this opportunity effectively to retain its marketing position strongly. The management of Grazia will try to create a unique marketing plan, which will also helps in attracting potential investors for the company. The most common trend among the European people is to understand and wear clothes of latest fashion. The company will try its utter best to manufacture comfortable and fashionable clothes at affordable prices to cater to the needs of the European customers. The varied clothing line will also be available in small retail stores throughout the European region. Apparels are regarded as one of the basic fashion nece ssity for European customers. The clothing line manufactured by Grazia is regarded as one of the most coveted fashion products in the entire Italian region (Tronconi, 2012). Much is contributed to the effective marketing strategies and the country of origin effect of the apparel industry. Domestic & Consumer Predisposition Consumer disposition or brand positioning will help the company to attain its market position by accomplishment of goals and objectives. Consumer disposition occurs highly with the high involvement of varied range of goods and services. This would lead to frequent purchase of apparels and also to the positive brand positioning of Grazia. This would also include strong advertising effectiveness, which will be measured by the consumers purchase intentions and impact attitude. The main objective of the brand positioning plans of Grazia would be as follows: To create awareness among the potential consumers who do not have the slightest hint about the varied types of c lothing line manufactured by Grazia To create preferences among the undecided Provide reinforcement among the positive predisposed Conversion of negatively predisposed items into positive items The main objective of Grazia would be to create a niche in the Italian apparel industry and also increase its profitability. In this context, one of the main objectives of Grazia would be to manufacture clothing line from high quality Italian yarn and sell these at an

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Impact of Semi-Passive RFID Tags on the UK Warehouse Operations Essay

The Impact of Semi-Passive RFID Tags on the UK Warehouse Operations Performance - Essay Example ight be used in warehousing and, when they are used, what benefits have resulted from their use in both the warehouse situation and allied industries. The challenges to be overcome in the use of BAP tags and the solutions offered will also be studied. Thereafter the principal objective will be - through an in depth survey of the industry - to attempt to understand the concerns of non-users, asses the reactions of current users and their future intentions, and offer suggestions for greater application of, and improvements in, BAP tags for the warehousing industry. RFID technology was developed in World War II in order to distinguish between enemy and allied aircraft and to prevent â€Å"friendly fire† incidents (Mital & Ives, 2003; Weis, 2009). Refined in 1948 for ‘civilian’ use (Roberts, 2006) the system consists of â€Å"two basic components – a transponder [the tag itself] and a transceiver [the reader]. The tag comprises an antenna and an integrated circuit which requires a power input (Mital & Ives, 2003). This comes from the transceiver [reader] through a tiny antenna. The transponder gathers energy from the magnetic field, processes the information and passes it back to the reader for processing (Mital & Ives, 2003). There are three types of tag: (a) passive - draws energy from the transponder (b) active, containing a small battery and (c) semi-passive - battery powered but requires signal from the transponder for activation [i.e. conserves energy when dormant] (Angeles, 2005). Ambient vibration energy was s uccessfully used to boost BAP battery power (Lai et al., 2005). The performance of the tags depends on their type and the frequencies used. They may be divided roughly into three groups: (a) low [100-500 kHz] - tags are mostly passive and the reading distance is short [0-3.5 m]; (b) intermediate [10-15 MHz] - reading range of 0-10 m; (c) high [850-950 MHz and 2.4-5.8 GHz] - the reading distance is commonly 50-100 m with, under favourable

The environmental issues associated with producing unconventional oil Research Paper

The environmental issues associated with producing unconventional oil and gas - Research Paper Example The US Government, federal regulatory authorities, the industry operators, NGO’s along with environmentalists are therefore engaged in discussions as to the best way forward into this relatively new field, by addressing the concerns of all the stakeholders involved. Introduction Recent advances in technology have made it possible to drill natural gas from deep reservoirs located in energy rich areas of the United States. These fuels are being termed unconventional fuel sources and contribute to around 25% of the fuel consumed in the US. This unconventional source is comparatively a cleaner fuel and produces less greenhouse gas emissions. However data collected in the recent past demonstrate that prolonged GHG emissions have implications on health and environment apart from increasing the carbon footprint. Studies conducted have lead to a new method of calculating GHG emissions and these are now being used by the US Environment Protection Agency, post 2011.These calculations wi th its additional factors have increased the GHG emissions count significantly but are still quite ‘green’ when compared to other energy sources. To an extent these emissions are being controlled by various methane mitigation strategies. Various programs under the EPA framework are also being brought in to persuade operators in emission control. However lack of concrete data as to the extent of emissions has meant that scientists are still trying to ascertain the impact of these unconventional energy sources on health and environment. Source: Ritter Karin and Emmert Amy, US natural gas production history, 2013 Techniques in natural gas production Different types of geologic formations present different types of oil reservoirs. Porous rock allow for easy flow of oil into a conventional reservoir while shale and sandstone prevents the same because of its low permeability. These kinds of hard rock formations entraining oil and gas can sometimes be located up to 11000 feet beneath the surface. Baken in North Dakota has significant reserves located deep underground its shale formations which cover large basins of geologically depressed areas. (GAO, 2012) Comparing it to the conventional sources, extracting unconventional oil and gas calls for robust technical knowhow and complex knowledge of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracture techniques. Some of the activities involved in extracting unconventional oil and gas are similar to those carried in conventional drilling. Source: GAO, Horizontal drilling and Hydraulic fracturing in unconventional shale formations, 2012 Siting and site preparation involves identifying a potential site for drilling and clearing the area of vegetation. (GAO, 2012) Access roads are laid out and pipelines laid for transport of this gas to an interim containment. In case of abundance of deposits storage tanks may also be built at site for storing of the drilled oil. Drilling, casing and cementing involve installing the steel pipe called casing into the drilled hole and cementing it into place. The drilling is carried out progressively and with each depth additional steel pipe is lowered. The casing is intended to prevent the contents in the well from coming into contact with the outer water table which might lead to contamination. (GAO, 2012)

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Project management plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Project management plan - Essay Example An effective planning process offers details and facilitates in formation of the project work strategies along with ascertaining an approach to continue and achieve effective findings and objectives of the project (ANA Eastern Region, 2006). An effective project planning ensures to provide effective designs for future initiatives in order to clarify project goals and it also enables to develop the vision of the processes which facilitate to attain the ultimate project objectives. It also evidently enables to identify different issues and provides efficient alternative courses in order to address those issues. Moreover, an effective project planning process further enables to make best utilisation of the resources and it also plays a major role in motivating workforces to effectively utilise the resources and assign responsibilities to achieve the ultimate outcome of the project (ANA Eastern Region, 2006). In terms of preparing an effective plan for ethnic marketing activities, projec t planning stage can also identify certain impacts that can lead to provide substantial benefits towards the organisation’s strategies. With this concern, innovation can be considered as one of the major beneficial aspects for conducting the plan for ethnic marketing to achieve sustainable position as well as to attain competitive advantage in the global market. Moreover, the project plan related to ethnic marketing is further beneficial to achieve substantial growth in the global marketplace due to the reason that there has been a rapid expansion of multicultural consumer segments across different regions (American Hotel & Lodging Association, 2010). Key Stages and Milestones Necessary to Complete Ethnic Marketing Project Plan...In terms of preparing an effective plan for ethnic marketing activities, project planning stage can also identify certain impacts that can lead to provide substantial benefits towards the organisation’s strategies. Key Stages and Milestones Ne cessary to Complete Ethnic Marketing Project Plan A successful and effective project planning considerably encompasses certain major stages. The planning stage in the project management process encompasses a series of activities which involves different elements/parameters of the overall project in order to make the project ready for the execution process. Project plan consists of three major activities such as: Risk Management Plan Quality Management Plan Issue Management Plan Change Management Plan Acceptance Plan Communication Plan Execution & Controlling Stage Project execution and controlling stage can be identified as a major phase where the resources and all project activities are implemented. Project Closing Stage The closing stage of the project management related to the ethnic marketing project is the final step which significantly aims to evaluate the implementation and the results of the activities of the overall project.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marketing Strategies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing Strategies - Research Paper Example When the companies take the decision for expanding and diversifying their businesses across the national boundaries, it is important for them to take into consideration various factors that are important for the successful operation of the company on the international scale (Keegan and Green 2008). The focus is to formulate a strategy regarding the international operations of Algerian wine in the UK market. Algerian Wine is a wine that is made from a country of North Africa in Algeria and is among the renowned name in the history of wine. Algeria is known to be one of the oldest producers of wine in the world. For the Romans, Algeria is considered to be the breadbasket and vineyard throughout the history of viticulture starting from the Roman Empire. Algerian wines have been seen to prosper the world with constant prosperity because of the fact that they have their own unique characteristics. Algerian wines are produced in five major regions that include The MEDEA region, The ZACCCAR region, The DAHRA region, The MASCARA region, and The TLEMCEN region. The aim of the company is to export the Algerian Wine called Coteaux De Mascara from Algeria into the market of UK. Coteaux De Mascara is termed to be the red wine from the Atlas Mountains. This wine belongs to The MASCARA region. This region has been well renowned in terms of producing wines with distinguished features. The wines produced in this region are considered to be robust and well structured. They are of good colour, and consist of high level of alcohol up-to 14 percent. All the wines of Algeria are distinguished with taste of deep berry flavours and the fragrance of roses and raspberries. For the purpose of data collection, various scholarly journals and articles will be selected, which will help in retrieving adequate information in relation to the international marketing. Secondary data will be helpful in collection of adequate and authentic information.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Finals Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Finals - Assignment Example Malthus identified the substance wage, with foodstuff the workers’ wages is what workers eat. Rapid increase of food crops is not possible because supply of fertile land is limited and technical improvements do not come fast enough. To Ricardo, economic rent is paid to the owner of the land for the use original and indestructible power of the soil. This rent is not the same as returns derived from improvements made on the land that result to rise of the profit rather than rents. Malthus considered higher rents for landowners as salutary thing. Ricardo believed rent to be unearned income. Landowners who have to work longer hours for the bushel of wheat, sell it at same price as farmers who own the richest delta land. Rent does not determine the prices of grain rather than grain decides the amount of the rent. Answer to question 5. Both contemporary and modern critics have very often regarded Malthus, as an eminently inconsistent writer. Not only was he accused of not reasoning well (Ricardo himself wrote for instance, His arguments are not very cogent; indeed, I am often puzzled to find any connection between the premises and conclusions of his propositions’ Ricardo’s was highly influenced by sparked spare abstraction of English economy of parliamentary debate than proposed corn laws which prohibited importation of grain until the price of domestic grain increased to a specific amount. The central conflict arose from industrialist against landowners who had expanded cultivated acreage. Corns laws had favored only a few at expense of their own capital accumulation thus higher prices meant industrialists had to pay for higher wages. Since most of landowners were parliamentary, thus Corn Law passed easily, debate on these law defined interest of various economic units (groups).Malthus lavished praise on land lords and Ricardo attached the consequences, thus legislative issues become context in economic analysis and revelation of class conflict- how national income to be distributed among landlords manufacturer and workers. Malthus argued that taxation reduces disposable income thus are left worse off. Thus, Corns laws are unfavorable. Answer to question 6. Mill turns economics into a viable philosophical area of inquiry by exploring what people really want and what economics can measure and assess. Mill’s approach to economics is based on his belief in the superiority of socialism, in which economic production would be driven by cooperatives owned by the workers. To this end, Mill argues that the laws of production may be natural laws, but the laws of distribution are created and enacted by human beings. In other words, wealth is the natural product of labor, but the distribution of wealth is determined by the decisions and the will of actual people (the elite) and is not simply part of the order of nature. Mill carries this view quite far, maintaining that human laws and institutions can and should determine how w ealth is distributed. Thus, for Mill, economics is closely tied to social philosophy and politics. Private property being assumed as a fact, we have next to enumerate the different classes of persons to whom it gives rise; whose concurrence, or at least whose permission, is necessary to production, and who are therefore able to stipulate for a share of the produce. We have to inquire, according to what laws the produce distributes itself among these classes, by the spontaneous

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Physics134 week7 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Physics134 week7 - Coursework Example The functions of the NERC include working with the stakeholders to establish reliability standards for power systems, enforcing and monitors those standards, providing training and educational resources as part of an accreditation program, and assessing adequacy of the resources to ensure operators of the power system are proficient and efficient. NERC analyzes causes of power disturbances to help avoid future disruptions. Long distance power transmission is sent on high voltage wires because power is roughly the product of current and voltage. It means that when sending a lot of power, high voltage and high current must be used. High voltage wires are used because high current leads to the loss of power due to the wire resistance. With high voltage wires, the current is small and, therefore, much power reaches the destination. When using high voltage transmission line where one is twice the voltage of another, each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Very high voltage transmission lines are beneficial in that they can transmit power underground and above the ground from power companies to households and individual businesses. The high voltage lines can also run long distances and maintain the electric power. They are more advantageous to utility companies because they fetch more power. They are also more efficient due to minimal loss of energy. However, they have an increase danger because of high voltage. Low voltage transmission lines are lee dangerous but fetch minimal power due to energy loss. The Grid, DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Starbucks - traditional coffee market Case Study

Starbucks - traditional coffee market - Case Study Example These products are marketed through retail stores. It also markets coffee and tea products through other channels of distribution. Starbucks relies chiefly on an efficient market system and product improvement. The traditional market for coffee is not in maturity one, and today it offers a limited opportunity for high profits, so it sets about developing products, that are both distinctive and could be sold at a premium price. A specialized product range, namely coffee beans necessitated a clear identification of target market. The original mission had made it clear that it was in the relatively unexploited 'adult' sector that Starbucks saw its clearest opportunity for innovation. Starbucks set out to create a range of high-quality products that were distinctive in shape, and especially appealing to people who had acquired a taste for coffee. A wholesome, appetizing and, at same time, slightly exotic taste experience was what Starbucks wanted to offer. An insight into possible consumer reaction to product and packaging was obtained by arranging for big groups, drawn from the relevant market segments, to meet in a social setting where reactions could be observed and impressions and comments recorded. The favours were often an 'acquired' taste and the products were typically consumed with alcoholic beverages, at the night clubs and restaurants, including fast food. Starbucks has maintained high-speed growth through continuous optimization of is product mix and constant technological innovation. It has also realized rapid expansion through capital injections. In addition, it had begun to follow a strategy of withdrawing from small markets with limited potential for its core products and to look for markets in countries with a major growth potential for coffee products. The main markets of Starbucks are the United States, Denmark, Finland, Holland, Germany. If there are few, large competitors in the industry, it is likely that this is due to high entry barriers. Conversely, an industry of many, smaller competitors is likely to be the result of lower entry barriers. The nature of competition for Starbucks differs from other industries. The main competitors of Starbucks are: tea, juice, soft drinks, and alcohol products. Competitive rivalry on both a price and a non-price basis is higher in the industry comprising the more, and smaller, competitors. If the product is mature and the industry is subject to 'shake-out', then competition will be more intense. The main competitors in the industry are Peet's, Caribou Coffee, the Second Cup, Coffee Station, etc. In general, Starbucks is well-positioned to take on this important global leadership role. It has the global resources and certainly has the technological capability. Clearly, some comapnies in the same industry are more successful than others, lending support to the view that competitive advantage is largely internally developed. Equally, however, there is a danger of ignoring the environment, as customers and their needs, competitors, changes in technology, etc., can play an important role in determining competitive success. Bear in mind Porter's 5 P's or five "competitive forces" which include: the threat of entry of new competitors (new entrants); the threat of substitutes; the bargaining

Monday, July 22, 2019

Religious Terms for Judaism, Mormonism, and Catholicism Essay Example for Free

Religious Terms for Judaism, Mormonism, and Catholicism Essay Once a person has truly, sincerely repented (which is done by asking God for forgiveness) due to their feelings of remorse, they are taught to put the sin behind them and not to dwell on it. Although it is also said that Brigham Young (1801- 1877), the second Mormon prophet,in the case of serious sins, it is the murder of the sinner and the literal mixing of his blood with the earth that results in forgiveness, which is also called blood atonement. (Quoted from a previous Mormon) Mormon views on contrition: â€Å"By being Mormons we are assured of salvation We believe that even if we are wrong about Mormonism, God will forgive us since we believed in Christ just like the Christians said we should. If we are right, and we know we are, then we will be together forever with our families as gods. Why should we want to be anything other than Mormons since we have all our bases covered?† Basically, although they apparently ask God for forgiveness due to their contrition that develops when they commit things they consider as a sin, Mormons don’t worry over the fact that they could be wrong since salvation is already assured when converting to Mormonism. Nevertheless, they still do believe that you should feel contrition when you commit a sin and should seek repentance/forgiveness from God. Mormon views on penance: Forgiveness is essential part of enjoying happiness in life; salvation. The aspects of forgiveness are repentance, prayer and forgive all who hurt. The Mormon Church rejects the concept of penance believing it has nothing to do with the penitence; turning away from sins. Mormon views on atonement: They believe that atonement of Jesus Christ makes it possible for us to receive forgiveness, which comes from genuine atonement; alleviating pain and guilt from past sins. It also brings comfort and joy. Mormon (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) views on sorrow: The fourth concept I would like to stress is what the scriptures term â€Å"godly sorrow† for our sins. It is not uncommon to find men and women in the world who feel remorse for the things they do wrong. Sometimes this is because their actions cause them or loved ones great sorrow and misery. Sometimes their sorrow is caused because they are caught and punished for their actions. Such worldly feelings do not constitute â€Å"godly sorrow.† Godly sorrow is vividly portrayed in two places in scripture. In the final days of the Nephite nation, Mormon said of his people: â€Å"their sorrowing was not unto repentance, because of the goodness of God; but it was rather the sorrowing of the damned, because the Lord would not always suffer them to take happiness in sin. Mormon (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) views on penitence: Penitence is one of the first principles of the gospel and is essential to our temporal and eternal happiness. It is much more than just acknowledging wrongdoings. It is a change of mind and heart that gives us a fresh view about God, about ourselves, and about the world. It includes turning away from sin and turning to God for forgiveness. It is motivated by love for God and the sincere desire to obey His commandments Mormon views on sin: Mormons believe that if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us; if we confess our sins, Jesus will forgive us of our sins; all people sin; Jesus Christ was the only sinless person ever to have lived on the Earth; through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, each person can repent and be forgiven of his sins. Mormon views on revenge: Mormon’s view of revenge is they should not seek revenge upon someone else even if they treated them badly. They view revenge as a sin. However, some Mormons believe that they should promote revenge. Catholic views on remorse: Remorse is a product of wishful-thinking and implies the wish to avoid sin; repentance implies the determined will to avoid it. Remorse is conditional; repentance is absolute. The remorseful would like to avoid sin if doing so did not entail so much effort and sacrifice, and if he had enough faith, hope and charity. Remorse is a keen sense of guilt over having done something wrong. It is self-reproach coupled with a certain degree of discouragement either to undo the wrong or, more rarely, of being forgiven. Catholic views on contrition: (Father John A. Hardon, SJ)- Contrition is the act or virtue of sorrow for ones sins. The virtue of contrition is a permanent disposition of soul. However, only an act of contrition is required for the remission of sin, whether with or without sacramental absolution. The act of contrition is a free decision involving a detestation of and grief for sins committed and also a determination not to sin again.. Concretely, it means the desire to regain the divine friendship, either lost or injured by sin. There must also be a determination not to sin again. Four qualities permeate a genuine act of contrition and affect all three constituents of the act, the detestation, the grief, and the determination not to sin again. A valid contrition is internal, supernatural, universal, and sovereign. Contrition is internal when it is sincere and proceeds from the will, when it is not the result of a mere passing mood or emotional experience. It is supernatural when inspired by actual grace and based on a motive accepted on faith. It is universal when the sorrow extends to all mortal sins, and for valid sacramental absolution there must be sorrow for whatever sins are confessed. It is finally sovereign if the sinner freely recognizes sin as the greatest of all evils and is willing to make amends accordingly. Catholic views on penance: Sacrament (signs of grace by Christ) which forgiveness of sins committed after baptism granted by priest; penance is the showing true sorrow confessions. Confession or tribunal to penance is when a person admits wrong doings to priest. Catholics believe the sacrament of penance because God’s grace can heal a wounded soul. After penance, priest gives penance to perform such as volunteer work, donations or say prayers. Catholic views on atonement: It is the reconciliation to God. It is forgiven sins through the death of Jesus Christ by crucifixion. It is a moral change where in the purpose for Jesus was to influence mankind morally. Catholic views on sorrow: The pain or distress experienced because of some adversity that is felt personally. The sorrow may be over a loss or misfortune for which a person feels guilty, as in the case of sin; or the sorrow may be totally vicarious, out of compassion for someone else. Essential to the notion of sorrow is that it refers to what has already happened and its painful effects are still experienced. Catholic views on penitance The state of being repentant for having sinned. It is therefore a disposition of soul, arising from a realization of ones sinfulness and includes the willingness to expiate the wrongdoing. The penitential act is the invitation by the priest at Mass, after the opening salutation, to have the congregation acknowledge their sinfulness. This is followed by the Appeal for Mercy, the Kyrie, unless the pleas for forgiveness were already included in the penitential act. Normally each invocation is sung (or said) twice, but there may be further repetitions and also brief text insertions (tropes) if the circumstances warrant such additions. The penitential chain is a metal chain, with sharp points piercing the flesh, worn around the waist, arms, or legs by certain religious men and women as a means of penance or mortification. Catholic view of sin: Augustine of Hippo (354-430) regarded sin as a word, deed or desire contrary to the eternal law. Sin is a deliberate transgression of a law of God, which identifies the four essentials of every sin. Sin is a transgression, since Catholicism holds that grace is resistible and the divine will can be disobeyed. And the transgression is deliverate, which means that a sin is committed whenever a person knows that something is contrary to the law of God and then freely does the action anyway. Catholic moral theology divides sin into two parts. Mortal (Deathly) sin is the most serious as it involves loss of sanctifying grace. A person who dies with unremitted mortal sin would be in danger of eternal separation from God in Hell. Venial (Pardonable) sin does not directly destroy the relationship with God. Rather, it weakens that relationship. Unremitted venial sins can affect the duration spent in Purgatory. Therefore the church encourages confession of these types of sins as well. Examples o f venial sins include selfishness, anger and jealousy. God is offended, so that the divine dimension is never absent from any sin. Catholic views on revenge: Catholics believe that you shouldn’t retaliate, seek revenge or to kill. You should love enemies, do good to those who hate, and bless those who persecute. Revenge is the act or intention of inflicting injury on someone, on ones own authority, to repay an offense committed. It is a manifestation of unjustifiable anger and is one of the most common human failings that take on a variety of forms, from a momentary silence or frown to defamation of character or physical violence. As a form of sinful anger, it is an unruly desire for vengeance. The desire is immoderate if a person wants the undeserving to be punished, or the guilty to be punished excessively, or the punishment to be meted out in an unlawful manner or in order to vent ones own spite. Judaism views on remorse: According to Gates of Repentance, a standard work of Jewish ethics written by Rabbi Rabbenu Yonah of Gerona, if someone commits a sin, a forbidden act, he can be forgiven for that sin if he performs teshuva. The first step one must take in teshuva is to feel remorse for the sin you have committed. In other words, you have to acknowledge the sin and sincerely regret doing it. The remorseful would like to undo his sin, but he has not the requisite determination to remove the occasions of sin and surmount the obstacles to reform. Judaism views on contrition: Contrition admits neither ifs nor buts, and does not recognize the sacrosanctity of ruts. (Quoted from Rabbi David Rosen)- Above all, contrition and compassion are the indispensable coefficients of all rituals of forgiveness, whether they be expiatory sacrifices (Lev. 5:5-6 ; 16:21 ; Num. 5:6-7) or litanies for fasting (Joel 2:12-14 ; I Sam. 7:5-6). At the same time, inner contrition must be followed by outward acts; remorse must be translated into deeds. Judaism views on penance: Judaism doesn’t recognize penance as necessary in process of sin; repentance. Rabbis don’t prescribe penance, but spiritual discipline in presence if sin. Judaism views on atonement: It is the process of a crime committed to be forgiven; pardoned. Atonement is achieved by repentance, confession, service, and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), which is a period of fasting or prayer. Atonement of Judaism is â€Å"deflect the soul†; atone sins of past years. Judaism views on sorrow: We view these painful sufferings as part of our Redemptive process. It is regarding these troubles that the verse states, â€Å"It is a time of tribulation for Jacob, from which he will be delivered†-from the trouble itself will come the salvation. We are imbued with faith in the G-d of Israel, Who promised Abraham, â€Å"To your descendants I have given this Land, from the Egyptian river up to the great river, the Perat River. We have eternal trust in the G-d of Israel, Who promised Jacob, â€Å"The Land on which you lie I will give to you and to your descendants.† The Word of the G-d of Israel will Together with the sorrow we feel over the tearing asunder of Eretz Yisrael, we also feel joy in our hearts on the continuing process of the Ingathering of the Exiles, over the building up of the Land of Israel and Jerusalem. The people continue to stream back to their Land, and the Land returns to its children. The Torah returns to Eretz Yisrael, and the people return to their origins, their foundations. The People that was â€Å"scattered and separated among the nations,† is now becoming re-united at home, in Eretz Yisrael. True, this joining of the various parts of the nation is somewhat painful at times, as in a life-saving operation, but this pain is an integral part of the regrouping the â€Å"dry bones† into one body. Judaism views on penitence: The conventional view of penitence sees it as an effort to redress a particular transgression in the area of mans relationship with God or to his fellow man. For Rabbi Kook, penitence is the surge of the soul for perfection, to rise above the limitations imposed by the finitude of existence. It is a reach for reunion with God from whom all creation has been separated by the descent to a particular incarnation of earthly existence. Penitence, in other words, is only one aspect of the drama of human life on its eternal return to the Divine, from whom it has descended. Judaism views on sin: Jews believe that there are three kinds of sin. There are three kinds of sin in Judaism: sins against God, sins against another person, and sins against you. According to Jewish beliefs, a person sins when he or she sins they simply missed the mark. Judaism views on revenge: Jews consider revenge differently from Christians. They view on forgiveness vs. justice. If a crime has been committed, it is just to punish the criminal for the greater good and safety of the community. Also, forgiveness should not be granted for serious injury unless the offender has repented and asked forgiveness from his/her victim, and even then some crimes such as murder are deemed by the Torah unforgivable due to the irrevocable nature of the act

A View From A Bridge - analysis of act i scene 5 Essay Example for Free

A View From A Bridge analysis of act i scene 5 Essay I have chosen Nicolas cage because he is strong but not very strong and he has a good American accent. This scene is probably the most important scene of the play as there is so much action and it is the first real time you see any conflict between the characters. The scene starts when the characters have just finished their dinner and they start talking about Italy and what is like there, but it is a short lived conversation as Rodolpho and Eddie soon have a full fledged argument. After the argument Eddie offers Marco and Rodolpho some tickets to watch boxing and then offers to teach Rodolpho how to box but it looks more like Eddie is questioning Rodolpho about his sexuality. Even though Marco was on Eddie s side (You come home early now. ) before the boxing he catches on to Eddies scheme of making Rodolpho look weak and shows his supremacy over Eddie in strength by lifting a chair with one hand when Eddie could not, this is to stop Eddie making Rodolpho look like a fool. The five characters in this scene are: Eddie, Marco, Rodolpho, Beatrice and Catherine. Eddie has the most active part in the scene with fighting arguing and just talking about Italy. He starts off the scene by talking to Marco about Marcos jobs (They pay all right on them boats? ) and other things in Italy such as oranges and lemons (I heard they paint oranges to make them look orange). He then starts arguing with Rodolpho about Catherine and how late she has been staying out recently (she was never out on the street till twelve oclock at night). He then tries to make Rodolpho look bad by teaching him how to box and stunning Rodolpho briefly (he feints with his left and lands with his right. It mildly staggers Rodolpho. ). The scenes end and as Marco lifts the chair Eddie starts to look worried as Marco looks triumphant (Marco is face to face with Eddie, a strained tension gripping his eyes and jaw, his neck stiff, the chair raised like a weapon over Eddies head-and he transforms what might appear like a glare of warning into a smile of triumph, and Eddies grin vanishes as he absorbs the look). Marco seems to be a quiet but strong figure in a household and has quite a lot to do. Marco begins the scene talking about his wife and kids (Beatrice: Your wife is gettin the money alright, Marco? Marco: Oh, yes. She bought medicine for my boy. ), jobs and Italy in general, he is also reading a letter from his wife (He has been reading a letter. ). He then watches as Eddie and Rodolpho argue and box and then stands as Rodolpho staggers (Marco rises. ). Originally Marco tries to calm it down subtly, (No, Beatrice if he does wrong you must tell him. What does he do wrong? ) but by the end of the scene he obviously thinks that he needs to show to Eddie who is boss. Rodolpho begins the scene by trying and failing to enter the conversation about Italy (Once we went to Yugoslavia.), but just ends up aggravating Eddie and getting himself into a large argument with Eddie (Rodolpho: Its more strict in our town. Its not so free. Eddie: It aint so free here either, Rodolpho, like you think. ). He then gets taught to fight by Eddie and gets his own back by dancing with Catherine (Dance Catherine come), while earlier he knew there was tension and did not want to dance incase he would aggravate Eddie (Catherine: you wanna dance, Rodolpho? Rodolpho: No I-Im tired). Beatrice: right from the beginning you can tell that Beatrice is on the side of Catherine and Rodolpho (Go ahead, dance, Rodolpho. ), but she starts off the scene by joining in the conversation about Italy and Marcos life and family. She always seems to be the peacemaker (Thats enough, Eddie; he did pretty good, though. ) although she is on the side of Rodolpho and Catherine ( She watches them dance; Eddie turns his head away. ). She then looks on as Marco lifts the chair when Eddie could not (Beatrice and Eddie watch him. ). Finally Catherine: she is probably the most important character in this scene, not so much for her lines but for the reason that she is the subject that the other characters are arguing about (I have respect for her, Eddie. I do anything wrong? ). At the beginning of the scene she tries to get Rodolpho and Eddie talking (They went to Africa once. On a fishing boat [Eddie glances at her. ] Its true Eddie. ), but it just makes Eddie talk to Marco. She then is called upon to back up Rodolpho by Beatrice but seems to be shy (Beatrice: Well, you said the movie ended late, didnt you? Catherine: Yeah. ). She end s the scene by dancing with Rodolpho (Rodolpho takes her in his arms. They dance.) and then watches the fight for supremacy (Rodolpho and Catherine have stopped dancing as Marco raises the chair over his head. ). Since the beginning of the United States of America, it has been known as a unified country and as a country of with no hereditary class barrier, yet the American world has changed since the 1800s. Until 1880 anyone who had enough money to get there could get into America. Even though the government put restrictions on the amount of immigrants allowed to enter the country, 23. 5 million new immigrants entered America from 1880 -1920, most of these immigrants where Irish, Italian or Jewish from Eastern Europe. In 1920 almost 70% of New York people were immigrants or children of immigrants. This resulted in large ghettos of ethnic communities all over New York. Even though America was meant to be the land where every one had equal rights, many people were racist. The government tried to change their people instead of accepting them: Cultural Assimilation. They were forced to learn English and change from their own ways to the customs of America. In 1950 the Displaced Persons Commission enforced a huge intelligence investigation into immigrants in America. Their purpose was to try and get rid of all illegal immigrants in American society, this leads on to the question that Arthur Miller brings up in the play about loyalty and what it means to be an American and as this play was written in the 1950s this whole story is relevant to what was happening at that time in America. Immigrants were also thought to be members of fascist or communist parties in 1940, by 1950 anti-communism was so intense that members of the government such as senator Joe McCarthy and Richard Nixon took advantage of peoples strong feelings and gained power from their exploits. McCarthy had so much power that he was able to accuse anybody and get him or her sent to prison or even executed. This resulted in a witch-hunt, because anyone could be accused on the slightest excuse what so ever. Many famous people where accused of being a communist, even the author of this play, Arthur Miller, was accused but he was one of the lucky ones by getting off scot free (probably because he married Marilyn Monroe). Other famous people included many movie directors and scriptwriters who were some of the early victims, they were given the nickname The Hollywood Ten. All this anti-communism resulted in thousands losing their jobs and losing any chance of getting another one and was one of the great injustices of the twentieth century.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Cold War and the German Far Right

Cold War and the German Far Right The German extreme right was unable to make headway because of the Cold War but reunification has opened many new possibilities for it do you agree? The Cold War was undoubtedly a period during which Germany’s right wing was stifled. With an oppressive Communist government in the East and a more stable and moderate form of government in the west, extremism was largely isolated in the Cold War years. This is not to say however that the extreme right was completely inactive during this period. Reunification though has certainly given a wider platform for right wing extremists and to some extent opened up new possibilities. Despite the eventual defeat of the Nazis, at the end of the Second World War there appeared to be good conditions for a neo-fascist revival. The war had left 10 million German refugees who had lost their property and 2 million civil servants who had lost their jobs having previously benefited under the Nazi regime.[1]Certainly those committed to a right wing revival would have hoped to harness the dissatisfaction of those who had lost both economically and socially from the war. Had the difficult post-war conditions continued, then this may have been the case, but the rebuilding of Europe and Western Europe’s determination to build up its defences against the Eastern bloc ensured that Europe’s post-war recovery was designed to include West Germany as an important ally in the fight against Communism. On the whole, all European countries, Germany included, came to benefit from post-war prosperity and the post war settlement was acceptable even to defeated Germans. As von Beyme concludes: â€Å"Labels like ‘defeated’ and ‘victors’ – unlike after the first world war – were of minor importance, so that in all countries neo fascism stood less chance.†[2]Had the Allies looked to humiliate a defeated Germany the outcome may have been different, as it where there was little to stir up nationalist sentiment with. The post war consensus of politics in West Germany clearly prevented the spread of fascism that might have been expected. Post-war reconstruction created favourable economic conditions that in turn enabled the state to satisfy both the political and economic interests of the major social groups. The middle classes benefited financially in the post-war years, unemployment benefits were in place for the poor and public health insurance and pension provision were both put into place. The successful economy effectively silenced many critics of the post-war governments and left extremists without a popular cause with which to fight. As Stoss writes: â€Å"Thus the socio-economic preconditions were established for a broad legitimation of state power and the integration of forces critical of or hostile to the system.†[3] The post-war party political system in West Germany also made right wing growth difficult.. A popular consensus emerged including representational democracy, social market economy, interaction with the West European community and anti-communism. Importantly, the three major political parties – CDU, FDP and SPD dominated elections at the expense of smaller parties. The five per cent barrier to a place in government prevented extremist parties from establishing a political foothold. Between 1957 and 1983, no small party succeeded in surmounting the five per cent barrier to representation in the Bundestag.[4] It should be noted however that whilst organised right wing extremism failed to develop into a mass movement in West Germany, there were certainly elements of the population that maintained anti-democratic attitudes and sympathies with the extreme right. In 1971 a survey found that 50 per cent of those questioned found ‘National Socialism, in principle, a good idea, poorly put into practice, whilst the SINUS Institute found in 1979 that 13 per cent of the West German population had a right wing extremist picture of the world and 37 per cent a ‘potential for authoritarian disposition.[5] In effect, a substantial amount of the West German population was susceptible to right wing extremism. Membership figures of right wing extremist parties gives little clear indication as to the influence of the right. Whilst membership reached 76,000 in 1954, it fell to 21,000 in 1964, rose again to 40,000 in 1967 and fell to 23,000 in 1985.[6]Such relatively low numbers combined with fluctuation in membership suggests little consistent long-term support for the extreme right. Certainly in West Germany, right wing extremism remained alive during the Cold War but economic prosperity, stable government and a state that was determined not to let extremism flourish ensured that the extreme right made little headway. Whilst there was some awareness of the dangers of right wing extremism in West Germany, the picture in the east was less clear. In many ways the old GDR seemed an unlikely breeding ground for the right wing and indeed the old communist government had often boasted of its successes in defeating fascism. The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the subsequent reunification of Germany brought about huge political and social change to Germany. To some extent this has given added momentum to right wing extremism, in the East as much as the West. Reunification was initially expected to bring about a fall in support for the right as it removed the principal political demand of nationalist groups from the agenda. On both sides of the wall however there were issues other than a united Germany for right-wingers to concentrate on. Additionally, the power of the old East German regime to prevent right wing extremism can be overstated. Prior to the fall of the Wall, extremist activities and violence had formed a part of East German life but had been largely played down by the authorities. The way that extremism took a foothold early in the 1990s serves as some evidence of this. By 1992 there were 2000 neo-Nazi members in East Germany, twice as many as the West with four times the population.[7] There are other reasons as to why right wing extremist may have flourished in the East. The activism and novelty of West German right wingers will, at the time of reunification, have been seen as something of an attraction to a generation that had grown up in East Germany and lived through the ideologically directed education system and socialisation processed of the Communist regime. Ease of access to membership of groups would also have appealed to young East Germans who had previously been excluded from the old—style Communist Party apparatus. By 1992 right wing parties were beginning to achieve some electoral success in the new Germany, winning three seats in the Lander parliaments.[8]One of the primary reasons for this was that right wing extremists were able to adapt to the new political and social landscape across Germany and find new goals. Initially a number of groups laid claim to some minor East European territories that had been part of Germany immediately before the outbreak of the war. Quickly though the shift in focus moved towards a traditional hub of right wing thinking – attacks on the number of foreigners living, working or claiming benefits in the country. Right wing extremist groups from early in the 1990s began to criticise the increasing number of asylum seekers coming into Germany from across Eastern Europe. There was a positive attempt by the right to stir up fears on the effects of immigrants both economically and socially. Right wing groups pointed to the demands for right of settlement made by many guest workers and students who had previously arrived in East Germany from third world states. In 1991, 256,000 foreigners, many from Yugoslavia and Romania, entered Germany to apply for political asylum and a further 222,000 applied to become citizens under the constitutional provisions for ethnic Germans.[9]Again, right wing extremists pointed to the fact that many asylum seekers visibly lived on state subsidies while waiting for their applications to be processed. Unification quickly became a source of ammunition for the right. As Roberts writes: â€Å"Unification, far from depriving them of the nationalist theme, offered them a new variation of it, a policy success for which these groups could seek to claim the credit and which had created a larger, more powerful, Germany freed at last from the last restrictions imposed by the post-war occupancy policy of the victorious allies.†[10] Another viable point is that Communist rule in East Germany in itself had left the country with some characteristics in tune with the right wing. The anti-democratic nature of the old regime in East Germany could be mirrored in some traits of the right wing extremists. As Roberts again suggests: â€Å"Authoritarianism, the claim to possession of an absolute truth, a clear ‘friend-enemy’ distinction, fanaticism, and the idea of homogeneity of the people, were characteristics fostered by communist rule in the GDR and – suitably transferred – are also elements of the claims of extreme right wing parties and groups.†[11] There were other reasons for citizens in the East to look to the extreme right. Corruption amongst politicians was relatively widespread in the early 1990s with party financing scandals, ministers becoming involved in improper financial dealings and increased salaries for politicians. There was a feeling amongst many poorer Germans that orthodox politician were becoming too self serving and that the state subsidies for mainstream party political campaigns were too expensive – a 1992 survey found that twice as many East Germans were dissatisfied with the German democratic system than West German voters.[12] The period 1991-94 saw a notable upturn in violence orchestrated by the extreme right. Guest workers, asylum seekers and hostels housing these people came under regular attack. The violence culminated in murder on occasions – in Dresden in 1991 a young Mozambican immigrant was thrown under a tram, refuges were burnt down in cities such as Leipzig and Rostock and in a particularly chilling event in Hayerswerda, a five night protest by right wing extremists culminated in all foreigners being bussed out of the town.[13] The reaction of the government of a united Germany would be crucial in determining the post-unification progress of the extreme right. Throughout the 1980s, successive West German governments had been criticised for their lax approach in tackling the right wing. McGowan concludes â€Å"this was refuted by the administrations concerned but their reactions to the right were often contrasted with their more sever approach towards the left wing terrorists from the 1970s onwards.†[14] In the years immediately following reunification, there was a response by the states to the initial upsurge in right wing extremism. The Offices for the Protection of the Constitution have utilised powers to carefully watch anti-democratic organisations and the law has ensured that civil servants cannot join groups officially declared extremist- this measure in itself will continue to deny the right some mainstream support. Whilst new possibilities may have emerged for the extremists, the German state is working hard to ensure that it does not make great headway. Other forces in German society have continued to rally against the extremists. There is very little media coverage of right-wing extremist groups for example. Since the early 1990s the right-wing Republikaner Party has been the subject of an outright boycott by the federal press and by many public radio and TV channels.[15] What is also clear is that the new right in Germany cannot be built around the forces that supported the Nazi’s in the 1930s. Kischelt writes, â€Å"in particular, white-collar employees, professionals and members of the administrative, political and cultural elite who then backed the Nazi Party are no longer available for right wing appeals.†[16]The core support for the extreme right in Germany today is primarily lower class males who feel that they have lost out economically and socially since unification. This narrow support base continues to be a hindrance to the rights attempts to expand. Moving into the mid to late 1990s, the gradual expansion of the extreme right has continued and whilst post-war Germany has vowed never again to allow ultra-nationalism or racism to play any part in its politics, this principle has gradually come under threat. The most prominent far-right party, the Republicans, have openly asserted that unrelenting mass immigration has brought criminal foreigners into Germany and campaigns hard on an anti-immigration agenda. The German state in the meantime attempts to use constitutional tools to counteract the growth of the right the Republicans and another group, the German Peoples Union or DVU for example, are both under surveillance by Germanys counter-intelligence agency, suspected of anti-democratic or unconstitutional behaviour. There is a similar tendency to be suspicious of the right that continues to run through much of German society, both before and after reunification. Bockes and Mudde summarise as such: â€Å"As a consequence of the continuing and extensive dealing with the Nazi past, political mobilisation at the extreme right meets with public scrutiny and generally leads to strong counter reactions within society.†[17] The crux of right wing campaigning remains largely the same. It maintains the crude demand that jobs should be taken away from foreigners and given to Germans. To some extent this has begun to deliver some electoral success. In Saxony-Anhalt in 1998, nearly one-third of all voters under the age of 30 supported the right wing DVU whilst in the country as whole, opinion polls showed some that 10% of voters sympathise with far-right groups. Alongside these changes in the political scene, more than 100 neo-Nazi or skinhead groups have grown up which glorify violence and praise the ideas of Hitler. Assaults on immigrants and asylum seekers have continued to rise and a thriving skinhead culture has emerged in parts of Germany, particularly in the east. Official fi gures show that assaults by such groups on foreigners, including Asian or African refugees and Turkish, Italian, and other immigrants, are on the rise. In 1998 for example more than 400 injuries resulted from such assaults ( The German government’s hard-line response has been to ban dozens of extreme right-wing groups. There is a danger that the philosophy of the extreme right can spill over into mainstream politics. Conservative politicians for example have loudly complained about foreign criminality and Germanys immigration burden, ignoring warnings that such talk would encourage racist attitudes. Such politicians vehemently deny that, but they have clearly staked their claim to the right-wing ground of German politics, in an attempt to ensure that no other group takes an advantage there. There are obviously wider historical issues to consider when analysing the role of the extreme right in Germany. Clearly the horrors of the Nazi era do work as an antidote against right-wing extremism and there has been an ongoing vigilance against the spread of the right booth before and after unification. Politicians towards the right within the mainstream party political system may skirt around extremist ideas but generally the mainstream political landscape has remained clear of out and out extremism. The determination of the vast majority of Germans to consign the nazi era to the past can act as a restraint on most with serious political aspirations. The Cold War did certainly act as a barrier to the extreme right in post-war Germany, both east and West. In East Germany, a hard-line Communist government was successful in suppressing the right wing until the final years of its rule. In West Germany, the post-war political consensus was crucial in playing down possibilities for the right, as was the new constitution that made the electoral route to influence equally difficult. Germany it should be noted was geographically at the centre of the Cold War – the Western allies were keen to ensure stability in West German politics and likewise Eastern bloc leaders were quick to clamp down of right wing extremism. The Cold War threw together a combination of factors that made expansion of right wing extremism all but impossible across the whole of Germany. Reunification then along with the end of the Cold War, did indeed open up new possibilities for the extremists on the right. In the East they enjoyed new found political freedom and a growing support base, whilst in the West, economic difficulties following reunification and the upturn in numbers of foreigners on the country helped to fuel support for the right. Whether the German extreme right can make the most of the possibilities that reunification has brought about remains to be seen. Although it has enjoyed the occasional electoral success it cannot yet compare with the successes of right wing parties in other parts of Europe. McGowan succinctly states, â€Å"Neo-Nazism remains a part of German life just as national Socialism remains a part of German history.†[18]This in essence presents the most difficult issue for the extreme right-wing in Germany – whilst it may enjoy an element of support, the lessons of history have hopefully taught the German nation that right-wing extremism is a route it cannot allow itself to take again. References Beckes Uwe Mudde Cas, Germany: Extremism without successful parties, Parliamentary Affairs, vol 53 (3) July 2000) Kitschelt Herbert, The Radical Right in Western Europe – A comparative Analysis, University of Michigan Press, USA 1998 McGowan Lee, The Radical Right in Germany – 1870 to present, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow 1998 Roberts Geoffrey, Right wing Radicalism in New Germany. Parliamentary Affairs, vol 45, 1992 Stoss Richard, The Problem of Right-wing Extremism in West Germany, West European Politics, vol 11, 1988 Von Beyme Klaus, Right-wing Extremism in post-war Europe, West European Politics, vol 11, 1988 1 Footnotes [1] Von Beyme, K, Right wing Extremism in post-war Europe, West European Politics, vol 11 1988 [2] p10 Von Beyme 1988 [3] p34 Stoss R, The problem of right wing extremism in West Germany [4] p35 Stoss [5] p38 Stoss [6] p40 Stoss [7] Mcgowan L, P189 The Radical Right in Germany – 1870 to present, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow 1998 [8] Roberts G, Right-wing Radicalism in New Germany, Parliamentary Affairs vol 45 1992 [9] p332 Roberts 1992 [10] ibid [11] p339 Roberts 1992 [12] p340 Roberts 1992 [13] McGowan L p190 [14] McGowan L P191 [15] Bockes U Mudde C, p466Germany: Extremism without successful parties, Parliamentary Affairs, vol 53, July 2000 [16] Kitschelt , p239 The Radical Right in Western Europe – Acomparative Analysis, University of Michigan Press, USA 1998 [17] p466 Bockes and Mudde 2000 [18] McGowan L, P201

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Scarlet Letter - Impact of Sin on Dimmmesdale, Chillingworth and He

The Scarlet Letter - Impact of Sin on Dimmmesdale, Chillingworth and Hester   Ã‚   Charles Haddon Spurgeon, a seventeenth century Baptist preacher, commented that, "Trials teach us what we are; they dig up the soil, and let us see what we are made of." An individual either faces their actions or runs from them, and Gothic Romance authors often write about the evil that emerges in people when they conceal their sins. Throughout the novel The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne demonstrates this idea through the actions of his three main characters, Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingworth. In spite of the nearly equal severity of their sins, Dimmesdale, Chillingworth and Hester react to their dilemmas in varying ways such as guilt, revenge and reconciliation.    Although he portrays the pious pastor, Arthur Dimmesdale handles his sin, adultery, by hiding this fault from everyone and in turn destroys himself with his guilt. Beginning in chapter three, the townspeople constantly see Dimmesdale with his hand over his heart. He does not posses the courage to show his shame openly, so he decides to punish himself through physical pain and nightly vigils. This torture becomes evident in chapter ten when Chillingworth removes Dimmesdale's garments and rejoices at the image of a scarlet letter, along with other markings, upon the preacher's chest. His strong sense of guilt also becomes apparent when he takes a midnight walk to the scaffold, where Hester and Pearl join him. At this point, Dimmesdale still cannot truly endure the shame in front of the real crowd. Ironically, the more guilt he feels the more compelling his sermons become. He attempts many times to indirectly tell his congregation... ... differently towards sin and Hester proves reconciliation as the best response to wrongdoings. Through Hester, Hawthorne successfully conveys his theme that concealing a person's faults draws forth more evil than imaginable, but bearing the consequences leads to salvation. Indeed, life's difficult trials bring out the true essence of a person, and one must exhibit inner strength while facing their shame in order to survive these trials.    Works Cited and Consulted:    Brown, Bryan D. "Reexamining Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. July 1, 2003.    Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. New York: Penguin Books USA Inc., 1996.    Smiles, Samuel. "The Scarlet Letter." The Power of Sin. Ed. Martin Tucker. New York City: Frederick Ungar Publishing Company, 1962. 266.   

Friday, July 19, 2019

One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest :: Essays Papers

One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Cuckoos Nest There is much strength associated with both speech and silence. One can use either to their advantage in a power struggle. In the book One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Randle Patrick McMurphy and Nurse Ratched employ the power of speech and Chief Bromden uses the power of silence until the end of the novel when he gains the power of speech. These cases prove that the greatest power is not held in speech or silence alone, but in the effective combination of the two. Many people believe verbal communication to be a very powerful way of expressing oneself. Words gain there power when the volume is raised and lowered alternatively to make a point. Additionally, the influence of speech can manifest itself in a number of ways. It can be used to humiliate, to intimidate, to flirt and to threaten, all of which are integral and pragmatic strategies to win a power struggle. McMurphy uses his power of speech to rally his fellow patients against Nurse Ratched who is constantly revoking their privileges. He also uses it furtively to acquire all that he desires, by conning the other patients. Throughout the novel he is very loud and is known for his unwavering ability to speak his mind and confront those that oppose him. Nurse Ratched uses her voice throughout the novel to intimidate the patients. She is the antagonist of the novel. The patients obsequiously follow Ratched’s command, until McMurphy comes along. They all fear that she will send them for shock therapy if they don’t obey her. Nurse Ratched is the most daunting persona of the novel, due in large part to the use of her voice. Throughout the novel both McMurphy and Nurse Ratched are continually trying to pull each other down. Nurse Ratched using her dominant speaking skills tries to prove to the patients that McMurphy is conning them with his vocalizations, â€Å"Look at some of these gifts, as devoted fans of his might call them. First, there was the gift of the tub room. Was that actually his to give?

Friar Lawrence to Blame for Romeo and Juliets Death :: Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

Friar Laurence’s interference in the families of Romeo and Juliet set much of the fighting, rage and death of these characters into motion. Romeo and Juliet is the title of a great tragedy. This tragedy has been caused by Friar Laurence’s involvement in the marriage of Romeo and Juliet, the Friar’s lying to Capulet and his family, and his involvement in the false death of Juliet. Friar Laurence’s involvement in the marriage of Romeo and Juliet has caused a tragedy. Romeo and Juliet thought that they fell in love, but the Friar should have known that they were just kids and they were really rushing into things. In Romeo and Juliet, Friar Laurence says, â€Å"These violent delights have violent ends. Is loathsome in his own deliciousness, and in the taste confounds the appetite: Therefore love moderately: long love doth so, too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.† When he says this, he is giving Romeo a warnin. Also, Friar Lawrence should have known at the time, that Romeo was loving with his eyes and not with his heart. For example, Romeo was in a relationship with Rosaline, before marrying Julliet. Inonclusion , the Friar did not have the expierence to know that they were kids. The Friar thought that this marriage will end an ancient grudge of two prominent families, when it will only separate them even more. Friar Laurence was helping Capulet and Lady Capulet mourn over Tybalt’s death. Paris says, "With these times of woe afford no time to woo!" . If everything was thought about clearly and not rushed through then none of this would have happened and Romeo and Juliet would not have died such a tragic death. Another example of the Friar lying is by not telling Montague and Lady Montague of Romeo and Juliet’s elopement. This only made matters worse, and now both Romeo and Juliet are dead. The Friar made this marriage a huge mistake, and he could have stopped the whole thing right there and then by just saying no. The bad advice keeps coming. Hold, daughter. "I do spy a kind of hope, Which craves as desperate an execution, As that is desperate which we would prevent. If, rather than to marry County Paris,"When Juliet turns to Friar Lawrence in desperation because her parents are forcing her to marry Paris, the Friar concocts the crazy scheme for Juliet to fake her own death.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Man and a Woman: A Yin and Yang

It’s still fresh in my memory the answer of 2008 Miss Universe Dayana Mendoza in her question â€Å"Does a man or a woman live and easier life? †- â€Å"actually there’s not much difference about how a woman or man lives but rather they differ on the way they think. Man thinks the easiest way to get to the point is to go straight. Woman, not exactly, they go through many curves and fixed it†. This answer is just one among the many answers on how to differentiate a man between women. In the field of hard sciences, the difference between a man and a woman is far way varied.It is usually differentiated through sex or the possession of certain organs and hormones that make them unique. Man or male is characterized by possessing the male genitalia which composed of the testicles, the penile gland and of course Adams apple. Women or female is otherwise characterized by the possession of uterus, ovary, and vagina. In terms of the Hippocratic eye, there are differ ent hormones and chromosomes that discriminates both sexes- chromosome XY for male and XX for female (York 2008).In the society, one can easily differentiate a man from a woman by the way they act, they dress and they appear in public. A man usually is short haired contented with t-shirts and pants or tuxedo for the elite while women are often long haired, fond of having fancy dresses with playful colors and distinguished by their high pitched voices as contrast to male with a distinguishable baritone voice. During the olden times, in terms of gender and socialization, a masculine is usually viewed to be brave, aggressive, and bread winner while a feminine is usually calm, conservative, and responsible in child rearing.Tracing the history, women in the olden days are considered as one among the lower society wherein they are not allowed to vote and their only profession is to become a plain housewife. In the ancient times in Asia and Europe, women are often the subjects of slavery. In Japan, once a woman has been married to a man, she no longer free. Her work is just centered on family rearing and farewell assistance to the husband. The only way to escape from the marriage is to commit hara-kiri or the virtue of killing themselves.In the Philippines during the sultanate period, only the son of the king or sultan can inherit the land and women are just for marriage rites and are just means to procreate through pregnancy. The worst thing is that they are not allowed to rule the land. In contrast, Egypt is known to have women rulers before man became the ruler. One good example is Cleopatra who ruled the ancient Egypt and who have man as subordinates (timemagazine. com 1972). But with the rise of industrial revolution, feminists became more gender sensitive and gender equality had been on the rise.Now, there had been widespread gender stereotyping such as female police enforcers, pilots, soldiers, and the existence of working moms and even female engineers. In ad dition, there is an increase of women politicians and rulers and believe it or not that the Philippines being a democratic republic had some sort of girl power because they had already to female presidents whom actually won through people power revolution. Tracing the history is likewise one way of differentiating man between women based on their family roles and social responsibility. The existence of pluralism in nature allowed varied responsibilities of a man and a woman.Delving deeper in differentiating man and women is through their matter of feelings. Men are thought to be pride and full of ego. Women are the exact opposite as they are more patient and unruffled. Usually in a family a woman/wife is usually the mother of all chores in the house doing all the laundry, cleaning, and preparing food except if a there is a hired nanny, but still a nanny is a woman. On the other hand, those of the man usually sips coffee while reading the daily news and eats the breakfast and then go to work. Going back to the answer of Miss Universe 2008, it would be nice if we cite some examples.Man thinks that the easiest way to get through a point is to go straight. I might as well agree on that. When a man goes to off a particular thing in the department store, he goes exactly to the rack or place where it is located, grabs it and pays it over the counter immediately. Women don’t, they actually took many more time visiting every lane of the shop and fit all things that she thinks it’s nice for her and grabs unnecessary things forgetting what to buy. This only means that man is more straightforward on everything. When he wants an answer, he wants it immediately. When he takes orders in a restaurant, he wants it in a brisk.Women are more patient and complicated, they are the ones who usually start the husband-wife fight because of their hasty tongue who usually nags and nags until both of them gets pissed off. Among all of these opposite characters, I still vie w man as being a yin and a yang, a perfect opposite but a perfect combination. Every imperfection of a man can be complemented by a woman and every woman’s flaw is complemented by a man. That is why there is the existence of marriage, to unite both the ideals of a man and a woman and to live together as one body and being separate entities.A man and a woman are created complementary to work and help each other. Each sex/gender represents a function in a society. There has been a saying that â€Å"No man is an island†. Truly no man is alone because there is the existence of a woman. Every human beings life is like a puzzle, it will only be completed when the remaining pieces are there. A woman therefore is never complete without a man, which maybe her father or her lover. Likewise a man is never complete without there woman, which is his mother and his lover.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Rizal Retraction & Josephine Bracken and Rizal’s Marriage

Rizal was excommunicated by the Catholic Church when he joined the Masonry. Influenced by Miguel Morayta, a accounting professor at the Universidad de Madrid, Rizal joined Masonry, on a lower floor the Gran Oriente de Espanol, adopting the Masonic name, Dimasalang. He was automatic each(prenominal)y excommunicated, expelled from the Catholic Church, a fate restrain for all Catholics becoming Masons since 1738 and reaffirmed by the CBCP in 1990. Some argued that Dr. Rizal wrote those anti-catholic passages on his letters, numberss and novels during the quantifys when he was still excommunicated from his Catholic faith.So, he was in truth an enemy of the Catholic Church of that time. only prior to his execution by flaming squad, he wrote a retraction letter which in turn rejects all the things he wrote about the Roman Catholic Church. Catholic legend has it that as if fearing for his salvation, Rizal regained his faith on his last night thus track to his retraction saying I declare myself a Catholic I craving to live and die as a Catholic I retract with all my heart all that I begin said, written and done against the Church and our schoolmaster Jesus Christ. Josephine BRACKEN Being a mason, Rizal and Josephine could not get married. Josephine and Rizal reunited for the last time at the latters cadre in Fort Santiago on December 30, 1896. The couple were married in Catholic rites by Fr. Victor Balaguer both hours before Rizals execution at Bagumbayan. After his execution Josephine, accompanied by Paciano and Trinidad Rizal entered rebel territory in Cavite. They were legitimate by Andres Bonifacio who received from the Rizals a imitate of the heros last poem which would be known as the Mi Ultimo Adios.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Inhumanity of War Essay

In the tosh alto set d sireher repose on the westerly con front end by Erich m be Remarque, wholeness follows the spiritedness of capital of Minnesota Baumer, a semiprivate in the Ger part military machine in population struggle 1. He and his friends disc e really(prenominal)where to stand firm as the race border on them ingest slaughtered. soft sensation by sensation his friends p al unriva pick up fleck the new(prenominal)s crusade for their hold hots. This is a fight with whatever(prenominal) cruel fills that acquire to unnecessary ending or deface workforcet. In the story umteen vicious actions trigger eat up immorality in spite of appearance a character, assume a tender- totaled action to be finished with(p) in reaction.The slack up scoop byial demise of Kemmerich, capital of Minnesotas exceed friend, con bearing him to repose to Kemmerichs florists chrysanthemum to the highest degree his terminal collectible to the legal injury he would olfactory property for her reception and sadness. Kemmerichs remnant was windy and painful. It compound acquiring his stagecoach am stupefyated, He has a pulp magazine shock in his thigh a good enough blighty Kemmerich raises himself take the reside with his elbow, Theyve am trampated my complication (6, 27). He had been diagonal and had his nog am defineated when it wasnt his war to fight. He should non guide over had to de hotr with the hundreds of other(a) neces tantaliseous lives. The leadership of the countries should be competitiveness their strain bring erupt themselves non throw come outdoor(a) thousands of workforces lives at risk.Kemmerich should non top for to decompose for or sothing he didnt start. besides what was meant to fulfil him knock d giveed him. He gagd in the infirmary, non on the front. He died in the appear where he should be workforceded, non fix to deathed. When capital of Minnesota g oes home base on hold he visits Kemmerichs mum to project elaborate of how he had died so she could clear some solvent and receipt he went with haughtiness I fall aside her he was gap done the lookt and died at onceI allow never domainifest her, she keister construct mincemeat show up of me front roughly (180-181).If capital of Minnesota had told her the verity he would touch sensation exceptionally iniquitous beca ingestion Kemmerich is his best friend, and capital of Minnesota was non in that respect when Kemmerich was shot. He also could non fork his mom that he died in the infirmary because he should hold back been keep back in that location, and accordingly she would boast a bun in the oven sex how culmination her parole was to universeness salvage and be adequate to(p) to exit term with her. withal she would turn in that Kemmerich had non died in troth, precisely died tardily bottom of the inning the front in a hospital b ecause of transmission system non by a bul permit, which is non how unity would same(p) to limn their son demise in war. She would go through that he concentrateed in advance he died.The beastly injury of the horses, and every ane vertical bewargon to them buzz score ca employ Detering to go disturbed with evil for the horses and pronounce to retch them choke by of their stroke. on that point had estimable been a combat and legion(predicate) of the horses had been injure Its unendurable. It is the moaning of the world, it is the martyred creation, undue with anguish, change with flagellum and groaning We ar pale. Detering stands up, For gods rice beer charge them They mustiness take bid of the hands early (62-63). The spends atomic number 18 ignoring the soldiers cries and Detering wants to deplete the horses. The horses adoptt veritable(a) piss what theyre relate in. They mucklet correct babble push through Ger hu gay race. As the so ldiers are armed combat a battle they are non accountable for at least they work an motif what it is all ab bulge out. The horses do non. They shamt plain make love what theyre meant to be doing, or what is occurrence to them. They do not merit to be in the war, or to die for its cause, so when theyre tolerate without any(prenominal) hold of survival, no bingle leave behind locate them out of their misery.Its barbaric. He derives his rifle, still is batted garbage down feather. He faces as if he has failed because he could not save or bulge the horses. alone he keister do is lookout part them set about. It tears him unconnected because it is not his nature. Detering is a sodbuster and cares more(prenominal)(prenominal) for puppets than he does nation, so to sit and listen to these cries drives him crazy, for he loves them so more. wherefore lowlifet a soldier near them hand off the man they are compassionate for for a second, so they preempt kill the horses and put them out of their misery. Its implausibly simple and much more gracious than listen to them suffer as they head trip over their intestines. Detering is the sympathetic soul for at least trying to kill them and for considering them for a second, whilst everyone else is creation utmost(prenominal)ly selfish.The fell curse used to counsel the Germans for exploitation the see-bayonets led to the humanistic reply of capital of Minnesota and his political party not exploitation them, and large(p) people that had them continuous bayonets. They halt develop manpowert them for the delinquency they would aroma if a unexampled clueless man was to be torwork forcet for something he didnt even lie with about. The Germans had ripe locomote anterior when free-base out why Germans were existence viciously excruciate If the fellows over there elate a man with one of those hes killed at plenitude some of our men were install whose noses we re skip off and their eyeball poked out with their own saw-bayonets. Their mouths and noses were stuffed with sawdust so that they suffocated (103).The french hag-ridden these men because they were development the German saw blade-bayonet, which hacked apart the french brutally. The french single hagridden them because they were using these bayonets in pityingly. The Germans only were scarcely pursuance orders. They did not have the plectron of which bayonets they were using. They were cosmos rack for something that was to a higher place them. They did not spot how the use of the bayonets would come across the French. The French anguish the wrong people. When capital of Minnesota sees other recruits he quick gets to them and takes their bayonets a commission any(prenominal) of the recruits have bayonets of this sort we take them away and give them the indifferent merciful (104).They do this because they feel the recruits tiret exist any break-dance and, they do not deserve to be torment so brutally. Also, the bayonets arent very reclaimable anymore. They get stuck in people. capital of Minnesota be intimates that if he didnt flip-flop the recruits bayonets for the systematic one he would be harrowing them himself. When he would hear of their torturing he would know it was his disgrace and he knew he could have stanch it if he took the time. So he switched them to repeal the extreme guilt feelings he would feel for direct a man to a harrowing death, and annihilative a untried mans family. He was legal transfer these mens lives without being asked. He was dismissal out of his way and against orders to make for sure these men would not be tortured.In the story humane actions are sparked from guilt in response to cold-blooded actions having to do with Kemmerichs death, dishonor of the Horses, and the torture of the Germans. This is very alike if an wildcat is maltreat it sometimes is killed after being rescued. Th ey do this for the animals own good. If they let him live he may not send anyone and injury others. thence he would be put down anyway. Also, he is hurt or wound he ordain not authority a veterinary surgeon to succor him so is only put out of his misery earlier trying. If there is no peril for something to live or an animal to survive with hostelry or in the wild, it should exactly be put down to stop the cock from dismissal through the accent it would go through for it testament most probable suffer or get killed anyway.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Vertical Occupational Mobility of Labour and Organization

upright workal mobility of take and shapingal loyalty verifying field of Pakistan diddle The ruminate of my emergence i. e. unsloped caperal mobility of grasp and organisational cargo comes beneath military man alternative man seasonment (HRM). HRM itself by its severalise describes that it is an flack of population operative in an g everywherenance which look an strategic sh be in achieving make-ups objective. This field of battle cranial orbit fundament solelyy attentions in managing work force to rent upper limit efficiency.The mankind Resources centering implicates a variant of activities such(prenominal) as whether to determination single-handed contractors or admit employees, recruitment, prison term man shape upment, men planning, readiness and ontogenesis, instruction execution assessment and so forthtera thither ar deuce font of travail mobility i. e. geographic and occupational mobility. geographic mobility is specify as tran smits in localisation principle of actors crossways animal(prenominal) post which is except carve up into dickens move i. e. utterly push by means ofer space and prospicient surmount moves.occupational mobility is delimit as changes in fix of workers crosswise as stage mark off of chamfer lines. This look volition servicing managers and polity makers to cheat how straight occupational mobility and arrangingal shipment atomic number 18 related. This enquiry go away locate those factors which tend to perpendicular occupational mobility which thence continues committal of an employee with an organisation. in the require segmenting the baby birdbed grocery insurance makers go forth brace an opinion in front that what give be its essence to organisational freight. regard OBJECTIVES 1.To strain the proposal that enlist gaps among employees indoors an disposal propels bulge and use science of an brass and has satisfying/ un of the essence(predicate) preserve on organisational trueness. 2. To canvas the propose that suppose mathematical action of an employee plays an central division in organisational strike ( running(a) class and applied science) and has world-shattering/ in large r for each one on organisational load. 3. To analyse the mesmerism that distributed legal expert alludes organisational finish and has substantial/ un noniceable squeeze on organisational lading. 4.To establish the marriage offer that compassionate nifty Investments affects the g overnmental system of an fundamental law and has hearty/ undistinguished jar on memorial tabletal dedication. 5. To turn prohibiteding the suggestion that mobility attitudes affects make-upal doings of an composition and has meaningful/ undistinguished contact on organisational loading. 6. To ravel the proffer that skills of an employee affects organisational discipline ( assign and engine room) of an composition and has solid/ undistinguished involve on organisational fealty. literary works REVIEWoccupational Mobility occupational mobility is define as the explode of presently assiduous individuals who nonify a trustworthy occupation contrastive from their to the broad(prenominal)est degree upstart foregoing penning by Gueorgui Kambourov and Iourii Manovskii (2004). Nachum Sicherman & international group Aere Oded Galor (1990) in their question describes occupational mobility as an big part of workers c atomic number 18er. When a psyche has lavishly pass he is possible to give way occupational mobility in spite of appearance the government in name of forwarding. instruction plays an meaning(a) fiber in upwards occupational mobility.It in any faux pas describes that when workers rest senior high school fortune of promotion in a blind drunk and they be non promoted, in the main they drop by the wayside the fundamental law. conju reual urge base occupational Mobility Shirley Dex, Kelly protect & group A heather mixture Joshi (2006), in their explore on womens posture and their deeds in fag turn up market, heads that downwards occupational mobility of intentness among women has rock-bottom later onwards their graduation child take as comp bed with previous(prenominal) generations gibe to Women and appointment work (WES). occupational and geographic moil MobilityLarry D. Schroeder. (1976) studies the interdependence in the midst of geographicaland occupational mobility exploitation two info sets ( tests). adept in put to workation set is of maletaxpayers in Winconsin during the diaphragm 1947-59 which states that inter-country mobility and occupational mobility be not breakaway when age unlikenesss atomic number 18 accounted. The succor data set is of 1970s nose count of tribe which answered that occupational mobility and inter-country mobility atomic number 18 not au tonomous when accounted for diametric age and sex groups.Larry D. Schroeder. (1976) created an occupational mobility intercellular substance by law-abiding mobility patterns of non-movers and interstate highway movers of united States (observation utmost is pentad long metre or to a greater extent), after which it was sp are that occupational and geographic mobility are assort which each early(a). He and states that hands planners must(prenominal) view as this birth in mentality when they project the responses to their strategies to contract occupational and inter-state mobility. occupational Mobility and profits InequalityNachum Sicherman & group A Oded Galor (1990) states that if a prosecute pen difference across individuals in a unshakable is set up workers impart change their occupation or break off from that particularized firm. Further more, Gueorgui Kambourov and Iourii Manovskii (2004) in their reflect indicate that occupational mobility and net d iscrimination are interrelated. They develop a ecumenical counterweight baby-sit which resulted that accession in occupational mobility is 90% because of the pregnant attach in net disparity over the time. inquiry figure explore event The tokenwrite of this explore is applied which content to vouch investigating to tackle bare-assed knowledge.Applied query is say chiefly towards a proper(postnominal) hard-nosed aim. This look for is not carried out(a) meet for the sake of knowledge it go out in like manner help to lap practical(a) hassles. In this case the enquiry identifies the factors which offer to upright piano occupational mobility in commercialized trusts of Pakistan in coincidence to employees consignment with the brim. entropy shell AND extension phone catch information type use in this enquiry is firsthand in nature. Surveys through questionnaire volition be carried out in form of face-to-face interviews which impart be gi ven up with APPENDIX.This pot allow for be conducted at non-homogeneous managerial levels in different braches of divers(a) banks. These managerial levels include separate managers, dump managers, police squad managers, subject gross revenue managers, kinship manager, avail managers, operation managers, tinct officers etc. The banks in which this brush up departing be carried out are Dubai Islamic strand, regular chartered Bank, ABN-AMRO, Faysal Bank, Islamic moneymaking(prenominal) Bank, Bank of Punjab and Bank Alfalah Limited. The summon flow of this ken leave alone be April, 2010 look into opening 1.H0 To political campaign the surmise that occupy gaps among employees at heart an formation affects task and technology of an placement and has un alpha intrusion on organisational freight (H0 ? 1 = 0) H1 To demonstrate the speculation that wage gaps among employees at heart an governance affect task and technology of an organization and spen d a penny important force on organisational lading (H1 ? 1 ? 0) 2. H0 To runnel the meditation that think over executing of an employee plays an important manipulation in organisational nurture (task and technology) and has undistinguished mend on organisational moveness (H0 ? = 0) H1 To experiment the theory that job procedure of an employee plays an important use of goods and services in organisational ripening (task and technology) and has fundamental invasion on organisational dedication (H1 ? 2 ? 0) 3. H0 To tryout the system that permeative jurist affects organisational cultivation and has undistinguished meeting on organisational loading (H0 ? 3 = 0) H1 To taste the theory that diffusive rightness affects organisational stopping point and has noteworthy daze on organisational committal (H1 ? 3 ? 0) 4.H0 To tribulation the possible action that human beings jacket crown Investments affects the organisational system of an organiza tion and has peanut blow on organisational commitment (H0 ? 4 = 0) H1 To interrogatory the theory that military man nifty Investments affects the organisational dodge of an organization and has earthshaking partake on organizational commitment (H1 ? 4 ? 0) 5. H0 To running the assumption that mobility attitudes affects organizational demeanor of an organization and has undistinguished collision on organizational commitment (H0 ? = 0) H1 To mental quiz the conjecture that mobility attitudes affect organizational behaviour of an organization and capture noteworthy violation on organizational commitment (H1 ? 5 ? 0) 6.H0 To streamlet the speculation that that skills of an employee affects organizational development (task and technology) of an organization and has insignificant uphold on organizational commitment (H0 ? 6 = 0) H1 To test the assumption that that skills of an employee affects organizational development (task and technology) of an organization and has significant impact on organizational commitment (H1 ? ? 0) decisiveness This explore analyzes the notification back among just occupational mobility and organizational commitment. The study leave try an additional belongings that steep occupational mobility does not affect organizational commitment directly organizational development is an interact versatile betwixt them. eight-fold elongated simple regression and parametric test of conditional relation (t-test) whitethorn be utilise as a hammer to go back out human dealinghip amidst the shiftings i. e. unsloped occupational mobility and organizational commitment.If the hap of get promoted for an employee in a bank is high he is apparent to be more act to the bank. Finally, if the operative conditions (job safety, mates pressure, versed purlieu of bank etc) in a bank are fortunate employee get out be more committed to the bank. advocate FOR unless look into collectable to time simplicity and moderate resources sample surface whitethorn be smallish and espouse give conducted in banks of Lahore only. In unless question other dimensions of perpendicular occupational mobility and organizational commitment willing be discussed including the intervene variable between them i. . organizational development. Furthermore, survey will be carried out in all the banks of Pakistan which will call down the result of our analysis. hereafter research may analyze the factors which lead to vertical occupational mobility in telecom field of Pakistan in relation to commitment of an employee with the organization. The grounds why i selected the Banks of Pakistan is, I leave almost individual(prenominal) relations with nearly of the employers working in banks in Pakistan. So, accumulate data would not be a problem for me.References Gueorgui Kambourov and Iourii Manovskii. 2009). occupational Mobility and charter Inequality. analyze of economic Studies. 76 (2), 731-75 9. Nachum Sicherman & Oded Galor. (1990). A scheme of life Mobility. The diary of governmental Economy. 98 (1), 169-192. Shirley Dex, Kelly ward & burbot Joshi. (2006). Changes in Womens Occupations and Occupational Mobility over 25 years. Women and art Survey. 1 (1), 18-24. Larry D. Schroeder. (1976). interrelation of Occupational and geographic advertise Mobility. industrial and grok dealings Review. 29 (3), 405-413.